
2099's Truth Detectors

Can good angel good Swampy good swampy good Love angel love Can Tiger dragon fish dragon Dragon fish dragon dragon ya ya heaven havin  p!eacë jöÿ p!eacë jöÿ ya ya swampy swampy  p!ëace jöÿ p!eacë jöÿ heaven havin peace joy swampy swampy heaven heaven good fäïth hävïn hëävën good fäïth swämpÿ swämpÿ Jesus Jesus Star star fish Puppy star Star Jesus Jesus-star Star Fish puppy Star star Dragon dragon mountain tiger mountain mountain fish fish dragon dragon fish dragon tiger tiger fish fish mountain tiger dragon tiger fish fish dragon tiger fish fish dragon tiger mountain mountain mountain tiger

Swampy Satire

Bring war bring more Angel angel love love War war mountain mountain Tiger dragon fish fish War war tiger tiger Dragon fish dragon fish Bring war bring war Earth scorch smite darkness Smite earth smite earth Jesus love Jesus love Angel love angel love

Swine and Dine

Still naked, the swine was asleep. And in his dreams, I did creep. Woke him up half dazed, He shouted, half crazed, And then didn't let out a peep. Back to First Pig Poem

Boring Pig

Turns out the pig was a boar, Worse still, he liked to snore. When clocks turned nine, Fell asleep, our dear swine, And went on a magical tour. Next Pig Poem

Corked Pork

A butcher turned the pig into pork. His wife was expecting a stork Low and behold She stepped in mold And the swine was stuffed with cork. Next Pig Poem

Spoon of Swine

A spoon ran away with the fork. All his friends told him she's a dork. But still they got married; Across the threshold he carried Her to a meal made of pork. Next Pig Poem

Delicious Pig

Turns out the pig was delicious, Perhaps even somewhat nutritious. His belly bounced like jelly, At the deli with Kelly. A friend until hunger made her vicious. Next Pig Poem
Main Menu >> Poetry Home >> Authors >> Papoose Doorbelle >> Reign the Rains Reign the Rains by Papoose Doorbelle
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Kidz Menu >> Kids Poems >> Bees Need to Eat Bees Need to Eat A swarm of bees attacked my head, Which then got swollen and turned red. And as I stood there wondering why, I tripped on a chair and scuffed my thigh. I stumbled back up and rose above The sad little bees afraid of love. I watched the queen attack a dove, Put on a glove and gave her a shove. The queen was mad, so she attacked. I fell back down and sprained my back, Which hurt my foot as I spilled my snack. Now the only meal I have to eat Becomes bee food under my feet.